Littlebird Grid
Beta Hyperport

powered by operator1

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Littlebird Grid

Littlebird Grid is a virtual life simulation provider, compatible with OpenSimulator Viewers such as Firestorm and Singularity. Littlebird Maintains more than 18 worlds, most of which are not accessible to Visitors. Littlebird Grid is owned and operated by Operator 1 Computer Technologies Group, International(operator1), who oversees the development the grid from within. The Gods of Littlebird meets every week on Saturday to review the week and discuss issues which effect all who live in and visit the Grid.

The Beta Hyperport

The Beta Hyperport is one of the oldest grid layers under the Littlebird Grid Infrastructure. It is the only OpenSim/Hypergrid compatible world in our network and was specially designed to natively accomodate both Visitors and Residents.

The Games

Littlebird is unique in a myriad of ways. Our themes are different, our designs are one-of-a-kind, our atmospheres are unlike any other.... but perhaps the most unique characteristic is The Games. Like all web-based worlds and services, Littlebird publishes a Terms of Service agreement, which it enforces throughout the Mainland. That's not very unique at all... What is unique is the WAY in which we enforce our terms. Generally speaking, when residents break the rules of a world, they are banned, there account is disabled or deleted, and they are no longer able to access the world. When this happens, it can have negative and lasting effects on other residents who may have been close to the banned resident, causing harm and distress to countless residents in the world. In an effort to minimize these unintended sufferings, and promote a more caring atmosphere, Littlebird has developed the Littlebird Games. Residents found to be in gross violation of our Terms of Service are rostered into the games, where they will compete against other players. The Games consist of upto 12 standard levels. If defeated, the player is banned from the grid permanently. The winner(s) will continue to play in The Games until they are defeated. The Games are accessible to the entire metaverse via the Hyperport and are held weekly in The Aeon Arena, located along the Eastern Border of The Brent Safehub. Admission is free and encouraged.

Hyperport Destinations

Choose a destination to learn more and teleport to it:

The Aeon Arena - Home of the Littlebird Games
The Brent Safehub - The Famous Brent Safehub

Littlebird Grid Terms of Service(TOS)

The Common Law


August 2020

September 2020

October 2020


Hyperport Mainland Land Sales & Rentals

Choose a Mainland Location to explore

Buy land in the Alpha Grid - No hypergrid visitors are allowed within Alpha Grid Mainland
Buy land in the Hyperport - Residents and Hypergrid visitors may purchase regions accross Mainland

Hyperport Freebies & Souverneirs

Choose an item to receive it FREE:

coming soon...

Hyperport News Room

Latest Press Releases:


Operator 1 Computer Technologies Group International